Friday 19 November 2010

Keele Students in Militant Protest – Shock!

By Dr Brian Doherty (11.11.10)

 Around 250 Keele students and staff were on last Wednesday's education cuts demo (10.11.10) – a surprisingly high turnout for our small and politically quiet university. For most this was their first demonstration, a student rite of passage perhaps – but this was different in many ways from my own participation as a left-wing student in past protests. This time there were hardly any Trot paper sellers and no one asked for solidarity with Nicaragua. Make no mistake there was no shortage of political passion and ideas – about justice and fairness, but no sense that this was part of an ongoing ideological struggle. Little of the commentary in the media on this demonstration has focused on its most remarkable feature, which is the willingness of the current generation of students to take action on behalf of future generations.

So, what did we learn from our day of doing politics in the street? That you can put in a lot of hours and feel that you are just one of those making up the numbers. The Keele coaches arrived very late; by the time we had joined the march it was almost over and we hardly got to walk more than a few hundred yards. We also learned our own experience can be completely at odds with the news. We took part in a noisy and good natured protest, but the real story according to the papers was that a peaceful protest had turned ugly. No it hadn't – for us and for all but a few hundred protesters the protest started and finished peacefully.
But the occupation of Millbank, damage to the building and the injuries to police and protesters became the story and as someone who researches and teaches on protest there was much that was familiar in the way that this played out. First was the claim that non-students (probably 'anarchists') must have been responsible, although it now seems that most, maybe all, of those who went into the building were school, FE and university students. Most protests involving young people get reported in this way – the young are supposedly impressionable, easily led, vulnerable to manipulation and simply less sensible than those of us with children, mortgages and pensions. But as more details emerged there were other, more complex, stories. The crowd that was supportive of the students getting onto the roof was hostile to the one person who dropped or threw the fire extinguisher, and so, was not merely an irrational mob. Also since Millbank was targeted because it was where the Tories had their HQ, it is remarkable (and a relief) that the 'thugs' don't seem to have attacked any actual Tories.

It struck me that more experienced protesters would have been able to get into the building without using violence – and might have been able to do something more interesting without smashing up the building. For instance, if the aim was to stay – why not prepare for an occupation with lock-ons and supplies – making that roof a site for an ongoing argument about the cuts? But the skills of non-violent direct action (NVDA) are developed through practice and in movements that plan carefully. Skilled NVDAers don't go into the wrong building first. Any planning and co-ordination for the Millbank occupation was probably of the kind that says – 'we'll see if we can get into the building and then see what happens.'

Was it all spoiled by a few hundred folks then? Yes, and no. Yes in that people were injured and the violence became the story but no in that good consequences can sometimes come from bad actions. The surprise combination of the largest student protest for decades and the anger expressed in the mini-riot at Millbank has changed the perception that the cuts are being accepted. Until now most people have probably felt that the cuts would not affect them. None of the main political parties has any credibility on student fees or wider public sector cuts, but it needed groups with organisation and resources like the NUS and UCU to kick-start something. It's hard to say whether we will now see a build-up of opposition but an indication that we might came in the unlikely setting of a presentation by Cheshire PE teachers that I attended the night after the London demo. They run a Schools Sports Partnership which over 10 years of volunteer work backed by government-funding has built up a fantastic programme linking school students with sports clubs and providing them with coaching and other qualifications – a great example of what the Big Society might actually mean in practice. It became apparent, however, that this was all about to disappear as Schools Sports Partnerships were a casualty of the 'Bonfire of the Quangos' announced in the summer and many of those speaking that night would lose their jobs. But there was a petition, a campaign and plans for a march. I don't know how much of this is going on in other places where the cuts are about to bite, but if the PE teachers are mobilising, the government should be worried.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen”

By Hannah Gascoigne (NKCF Chair 09/10) and Lauren Proctor (NKCF Deputy Chair Political 09/10) 22.06.10

Michael Jordan's comment about basketball is also true of politics. In politics, much as in sport, those who want to win are the ones who make it happen. This is not a piece about the wonders of the Conservative Party's victory, or partial victory depending how you look at it, but a personal account by two Conservative Party student activists who wanted to make it happen in Newcastle – under – Lyme. As students of politics at Keele we think our experience is relevant for other students whatever party they support. Shouting at the TV during the leaders' debates or even blogging about policy on Facebook is not enough to make a difference. You need to get out and campaign.

Sat in the Newcastle Conservative Association parliamentary candidate selection meeting in November 2008, neither of us could have foreseen quite how much impact the election campaign would have on our lives. The idea that an election campaign is only fought in the final few (intensely media focused) months before polling day is completely ridiculous to anyone who has been involved. Our candidate Robert Jenrick began his campaign from day one, nearly eighteen months before the eventual polling day. In the early campaign, the focus was on getting Robert’s face seen and known by the electorate within Newcastle –under – Lyme. This meant leaflets (lots of them!) mostly delivered by hand by members of the Association and Newcastle and Keele Conservative Future (NKCF). Leafleting is not fun work. It involves putting seemingly endless literature through seemingly endless letterboxes in all weathers, often with only the promise of a pint in a warm pub at the end of the day.

As the election moved closer the focus moved on to canvassing, which involves asking the electorate to divulge their voting intentions. At times it can be quite intimidating, especially for the many of us who had never been canvassing before, but in some ways can be quite enjoyable. One elderly lady refused to divulge her voting preference until our canvasser found her cat. After much fruitless searching for the cat, the lady told the canvasser that she had not decided who she was voting for anyway.

With our dissertations handed in on the 5th May we managed a few hours much needed sleep before the 4:30am wake up for the dawn raid on polling day. The dawn raid involved more leafleting and, after a quick breakfast break, more knocking on doors to check that those people who had said they would vote for us had gone out and voted. This process carried on until 9pm when we were granted a short break before reconvening at the count at 11:30.

There, we watched the boxes being opened and after spot surveys it looked like a close result. In fact, we had lost but it was by a narrow margin.: our campaign had reduced Labour's majority from 8,108 to 1,552. Other than winning the seat, this was the best possible result we could have hoped for. At the count that night someone who had been campaigning for another party said to us “I’ve been campaigning for a month, I’m really tired”. I think we were fully justified in telling them that: “that’s nothing, try doing it for eighteen months”.

To those of you who wanted and wished for change at the 2010 election, whatever your party preference, did you get the result you wanted? If not, ask yourself: next time how can I get involved? How can I be more influential in the politics and values I believe in?

Tuesday 22 June 2010

How can Politics lecturers be objective if they support a particular political party?

Written by Professor Andrew Dobson

How can Politics lecturers be objective if they support a particular political party? This is a question that we are often asked – particularly by parents and guardians on Open Days. And I’ve asked myself the question a number of times, because I’ve been a member of the Green Party for a few years and wrote the Party’s General Election Manifesto this year. It’s hard to be more committed to a Party’s politics than that. (Although we must also remember our recently-retired American politics expert, Mike Tappin, who spent five years as a Labour Euro MP).

One response is to resist the premise of the question and ask: should we be objective when we teach? There is a school of thought which suggests that students respect lecturers much more when they (the lecturers) show their true colours rather than hide behind a pseudo-balanced façade. And most lecturers know that ‘taking a stance’ can be a useful pedagogic tool when challenging students into a response.

I don’t think this works as an argument – or at least not beyond the occasional tactical use of ‘stance-taking’. If all we did was promulgate the party line we’d be no different to a politician in the House of Commons or on BBC TV’s Question Time. Students rightly expect something different – a fuller, more balanced, more rounded account and analysis of the political options.

So the question remains: will students get this fuller and more rounded analysis from a politically-committed lecturer? To some degree the answer depends on the lecturer, but there’s nothing in principle that stops her or him from giving a balanced view. In fact I’d go further and say that the committed lecturer is in one of the best positions to do so.

This is because you only get to a committed view if you’ve carefully considered all the alternatives. In particular this involves confronting the very best arguments that ‘the opposition’ can put up. It’s a kind of dialectical process, and the strongest conclusion is the one reached after confronting the strongest arguments. Then it’s just a question of being honest in the classroom and making sure that every argument is given a fair run for its money.

We also have to remember that lecturers have authority over students in a way that politicians don't. Politicians are trying to persuade us that their view and only their view is correct whereas lecturers have to respect that students may have a different point of view to their own. Students look to lecturers as figures in authority wither expert knowledge, which puts a special obligation on us to respect views that are opposed to our own.

And, of course it helps to have a skeptical frame of mind (not the same as a cynical one). There’s no political position that’s unassailable, and it always helps to be on the lookout for flaws and weak spots in one’s own position. I think that ethos is the nearest we can get to objectivity in teaching.

Perhaps that’s the main difference between lecturing and electioneering: when you’re electioneering you hope you won’t be asked any hard questions, and when you’re lecturing you hope you will be. And the beauty of it is dealing with the hard questions in the seminar room or the lecture hall makes it easier to handle the ones thrown at you in election hustings.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Will the coalition work?

By Dr. Helen Parr

A Liberal-Conservative coalition government is an unprecedented step in British politics. As Professor Andrew Gamble pointed out in his talk at Keele last week, there has never previously been a formal coalition government in peacetime in Britain: 1918-22 was predominantly the Conservatives supporting Liberal Prime Minister Lloyd George; 1931 was a Conservative government with a few Labour and Liberal ministers and 1974 saw a minority Labour government with a further general election called later that year. What’s more, the Liberal Democrats share a heritage predominantly with the British left. It was disquiet with the Labour party of the 1970s and early 1980s that led to the formation of the Social Democratic Party in 1981, the merger of which with the Liberals later in that decade created the modern Liberal Democrats. The current coalition thus owes everything to the visions of David Cameron and Nick Clegg. Cameron wanted to be Prime Minister, of course, but he also sought to consolidate his own modernisation of the Conservative party. Clegg, once it became apparent the scale of the concessions the Conservatives were willing to make, saw his opportunity to press for historic Liberal Democrat goals: greater civil and individual liberty, alongside parliamentary and electoral reform.

So, will it work? Well, it depends upon what one wishes it to do. But, for it genuinely to usher in a new era of British politics, then it must succeed in introducing constitutional reform. Liberal Democrats wary of the coalition may be mollified by advances in civil liberties, and attracted by Vince Cable’s potential influence in banking reform, but they are unlikely to tolerate the deal for a longer period unless there is significant advance in this area. There are promising signs. The coalition agreement promises to bring forward the Wright Committee recommendations in full. These recommendations would give more power to parliament over the conduct and management of parliamentary business and scrutiny of legislation. It also heralds a committee to examine reform of the House of Lords, with the aim to establishing a mainly or fully elected second chamber, on the basis of PR. The introduction of a fixed term parliament further helps to diminish the power of the executive; although the provision that parliament can only be dissolved upon a vote of 55% of the House appears to make it harder to hold the government to account through a no confidence motion, trampling over the former convention that 50% plus one was enough to topple a government.

It is over electoral reform, however, where the radical possibilities of the coalition will be tested most severely. The Lib Dem election manifesto pledged to introduce proportional representation via the Single Transferable Vote. The coalition agreement promises to hold a referendum on whether to introduce not STV, but the Alternative Vote. The Alternative Vote is more similar to the existing system of first past the post: one single member is elected per constituency, but voters are allowed to rank their preferences. If there is no majority for a first preference candidate, second and subsequent preferences from the losing candidate(s) are re-allocated until a majority is reached. AV therefore ensures that all MPs have a majority of constituents favouring them, but it is not proportional. A third or minor party will not win seats based upon their share of the vote, but will have to compete, as they currently do, for outright victory.

In other words, if the referendum agrees to change the voting system – and how the referendum will be conducted will be a major area for debate – the Lib Dems will still face a tremendous difficulty at the 2015 election, assuming that the government makes it that far. AV could be seen as a first step towards more radical reform: but how will this be attained? By 2015, the Lib Dems will most likely have to compete against the Conservatives and Labour in a voting system no more likely to favour them than the current one. Depending then upon the positions of Conservatives and Labour towards further electoral reform – and Labour may come out in favour of proportional representation – the Lib Dems could find themselves torn. How this will play out is extremely difficult to foresee, but also very important for the Lib Dems. If this central reform does not manifest, the Lib Dems could find themselves crushed.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Green Party Election to the Westminster Parliament

By Professor Andy Dobson

At 6am on 7th May 2010, something happened that has never happened before in UK parliamentary history – a member of the Green Party was elected to the Westminster parliament. Caroline Lucas, leader of the Green Party and candidate in the Brighton Pavilion constituency, just beat off the challenge of the Labour Party candidate to squeeze into Westminster by a little over 1000 votes. In a first-past-the-post electoral system that notoriously militates against small parties this is quite an achievement – tempered by the realization that overall the Green Party vote actually went down compared to 2005 levels. Lucas’s success is down to a number of factors: her own capacities, some excellent local organizing during the campaign (the Party had 200 volunteers getting the vote out on election day), a local campaign that spoke to some key issues in Brighton, and a strong local base of elected councillors.

I spent the two days previous to election day leafleting houses in the constituency and manning stalls in the town centre. Having stood for Parliament myself and experienced the isolation that small party candidates can feel, it was quite a thing to see Green Party stickers and banners in windows far outnumbering those of other parties. If the election had been on a poster count, Lucas would have won by a street.

Another interesting factor was the palpable sense on the street that the Party is slowly shaking off its ‘single-issue’ reputation. The Green Party has never only been a party of the environment though that’s the impression it has sometimes given (and the media have been happy to go along with this). We took a deliberate decision to put jobs and the economy first in this year’s manifesto, and to put climate change way down the batting order (page 33 if memory serves). A number of media commentators picked up on this change of emphasis, and I hope that the Party keeps banging away at this shift of priorities. (Though it’s not really a shift – more an explicit recognition that economy and environment are two sides of the same coin rather than two separate issues).

So a glass ceiling has been breached. What next? So much still depends on proportional representation. If I had a quid for every time someone’s said to a Green Party candidate, ‘Great that you’re standing! (But I won’t be voting for you because it’s a wasted vote)’, I’d be a wealthy man. So far on the PR front the Libservative coalition doesn’t look too promising. The best we’re going to get is a referendum on the Alternative Vote system, with the majority partner in the coalition campaigning against it. This is not – I think - what people who voted Lib Dem were hoping for.

Absent a proper PR system it’s hard to see the Green Party making big inroads into the Westminster parliament, though there’ll be plenty of work going into the target constituencies of Norwich South and Lewisham in the months and years to come. Green Party success is likely to continue in local elections, where the party now has over a hundred councillors at various levels. And they get re-elected too, which shows that when the party has a chance to put its ideas into action, people like what they see.

So watch this space – and in the meantime, expect to see Caroline Lucas appearing even more regularly on BBC’s Question Time.

Friday 14 May 2010

No Portillo moment then…

By Dr Stephen Quilley

No Portillo moment then…just a bitter Lembit. I can’t imagine that Edward would have had the good humour to appear on Have I Got News for You on the night of his political Waterloo (But then he was never nearly married to a Cheeky Girl). The strange thing is that this is all turning out to be pretty interesting. Here I am staying up late every night, glued to New 24, sucking up the punditry, shouting at the TV. I can’t help myself. This really is as good as the X Factor.

It is certainly compelling human drama. And with the Euro-crisis and all, Shirley Williams is perhaps not wide of the mark referring to a ‘phoney war’ and the ‘calm before the storm’. There appears to be no doubt that another economic meltdown could be just round the corner and that a great deal depends on how ‘the markets’ react to the new government, when it finally appears.

So is Britain really facing its most dangerous crisis since 1940? Well that very much depends on your time horizons. Since individual Britons rarely live longer than 100 years, it is perhaps reasonable that the box marked ‘possible crises confronting Britain’ includes wars, trade disputes, political implosion, ‘loss of seat at the high table’ – but systematically excludes processes working on evolutionary or geological time scales ( e.g. the next ice age). Since ‘Britain’ as a political entity goes back a couple or ten centuries depending on your history book, it is perhaps less reasonable that the political memory struggles to extend back 50 years and that the habitual S.W.O.T. (‘strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats’) analysis framing even the most strategic decisions of our political elders and betters, never extends beyond the next election. A political-anthropologist from a more patient and longer-lived species, perhaps reporting on the election for a Galactic version of Panorama, would surely point out that whilst the imminent unravelling of the pound might be big news over the electoral cycle, it is not the only nor the biggest black cloud on the horizon. Within the life-time of first time voters, demand for energy is likely to outstrip supply, and the end of cheap energy is likely to present our global petro-civilisation with an enormous and conceivably terminal shock. It is not at all clear that technology will deliver us from this problem. What certainly is the case is that with economic growth in Asia and Africa driving demand for energy to ever more precipitous heights, it will be very difficult (Lovelock says impossible) to prevent the burning of every last gramme of available fossil fuel – from China’s enormous reserves of dirty coal, to the tar sands of Alberta. Now if that happens, we may learn the real meaning of crisis. So coming back to Shirley Williams and the rest of the arm-chair pundits (of whom by the way Portillo is one of the best, and the nicest – Is it possible that Edward missed an opportunity for redemption of some kind?), the problem is not just their time horizons, but the unit of analysis. The real crisis affecting Britons will not be in their capacity as citizens of a nation-state, but as citizens of an integrated but vulnerable global civilisation, and possibly in their capacity as human beings. If human activity triggers rapid climate change of more than 3 degrees, it is quite possible that civilisation will crash; possible that humanity might disappear in its wake; and possible even that life on earth may not be sufficiently resilient to recover [read the last chapter in Mark Lynas’s Six Degrees if you want to kill yourself].

So why then, I hear you ask, do you give a figurative fig about the outcome of this election? Because as Will Hutton said, this really is the most important event in our political history for the last hundred years. If Clegg holds out for Proportional Representation then it is possible that we may end up with an electoral system in which radical diagnoses, ideas and prescriptions at least get an airing. We may end up with a political culture mature enough to deliver bad news. It might be that we get not just one Green MP, but half a dozen, perhaps even a couple of competing green parties, representing very different policy options. Imagine different green caucuses in Parliament, making rhetorical alliances with different bits of the Labour, Liberal and Conservative Parties and engaging in a real debate about whether we need a crash programme of nuclear power generation and geo-engineering projects to buy some time for a more fundamental accommodation with the biosphere and the climate. That is what young folk used to refer to as 'heavy'! But it is this sort of practical forward thinking that should occupy every waking hour of our political class. Currently we can’t have that kind of debate because Westminster is an exclusive club in which members are chaperoned and arguments pre-scripted. Imagine Parliament sitting in 1938 and Churchill being unable even to mention a possible crisis brewing in Sudetenland. Imagine Hitler being banished as an item for discussion with MPs forced instead to consider the price of eggs. That is the situation we are in now with regard to climate change. So let us pray that Clegg holds his nerve and blows the system open.

Friday 16 April 2010

Written by Dr. Jonathan Parker

I am writing from Östersund, where I came to teach some seminars on research methods in political science at Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University). Mid Sweden is a geographically accurate though misleading description of the location, since we are close to Trondheim, Norway, and at a similar latitude to the southern tip of Iceland. The warm British Easter seems far away when surrounded snow and looking down on a frozen lake. Cross country skiers go by the window at regular intervals.

I was supposed to be home yesterday, but I’m not sure when I can get out, now. There is no certainty about when flights will resume, and I am rebooking the flights every day with a shrinking sense of optimism. It’s amazing how vulnerable the whole air industry is to these things. Wrong kind of dust? It doesn’t really help that the most affected areas are the two places I want to fly out of and get to.

There are certainly worse fates in the world than being trapped in Sweden for awhile. I was upset that I would miss the first British election debate (a big event for political scientists). However, the Swedes have thoughtfully provided me with wireless broadband, and the BBC streamed it live. Hooray for the BBC! I grumble about license fees (as an American it seems very odd to pay a tv tax) but what a service! Live access even from abroad

The debate was very interesting. The three candidates had obviously decided upon their respective roles beforehand and stayed in character very carefully. Again, as an American these debates aren’t new to me, and I didn’t expect serious missteps or clear victories – the stakes are too high and the candidates too well prepped to allow things like that to happen.

Even having a ménage-a-trois debate wasn’t new – it reminded me of the 1992 Presidential debate between Republican George Bush (the elder – who looks better every year in comparison to…well, you know), Democrat Bill Clinton, and third party candidate Ross Perot. Perot made the whole event less predictable (which is a good description of his whole candidacy) and more interesting, though he largely attacked the incumbent Republican president rather than the Democratic challenger. There are loads of clips on youtube, but here is a good starting place (

The whole 1992 election is an interesting parallel to the current election. The country was coming out of a recession. The economy was improving, but the incumbent was seen as the tired remnant of 12 years of Republican rule in the White House. People didn’t feel like they were so well off (though the economic figures, which came out after the election was over, say things were improving nicely), and they punished the incumbent. The third party phenomenon set a record, with Perot capturing 20% of the vote nationally, which would bode well for Nick Clegg if this election follows that example.

Clegg, in fact, seemed the only clear winner of the debate last night. This isn’t particularly scientific, and is being repeated by most of the press, but he seemed to exceed expectations in a way that neither major party candidate managed. Brown came across as more passionate (an advantage of driving down expectations?), but didn’t deliver any knockout blows. Cameron clearly saw himself as the front runner and didn’t want to make any mistakes or come across as ‘mean’. That made for a competent but uninspiring performance.

The big question now is how seriously people may treat Clegg and whether any bounce in the polls will translate into votes in the booth.

Friday 9 April 2010

Après Blair, le deluge’: General election, de-selection, detection, rejection, dejection ₪ Insurrection?

Après Blair, le deluge’: General election, de-selection, detection, rejection, dejection Insurrection?

Written by Dr Steve Quilley

So it is election time once again.  This is clearly something that we folks in SPIRE should be interested in.  It is ‘politics’ after all, and that is surely what we do, isn’t it? And apparently it is shaping up to be one of those watershed moments, like 1979 or 1997. Maybe the Tories will come in from the cold… maybe. Perhaps Brown might scrape through for one last hurrah!  Here the conventions of punctuation are failing me. ‘ !’ ? I need a symbol that signifies the exact opposite of an exclamation mark… something that evokes a sagging arm chair, or a damp pair of jeans waiting by the washing machine.  How about ‘‘?  I am not sure what it means as a currency symbol, but in Extended Quirillic it means ‘you lost me’ or ‘gone fishing’, because, to be honest, I am finding it difficult to pay attention. Labour might win Cameron might end up as Prime Minister George Osborne might end up as Chancellor (although I have to admit a little ! on that one).  
            I grew up with a Quaker middle-class, public sector predilection for the Labour Party.  My parents turned out to vote rain or shine. We went on family outings with CND. I collected for the miners in Newcastle city centre. I joined the party in the 6th form and went on to knock on doors and help with the printing press at election time. At university I was Campaigns Officer for the student Labour club. If only I had understood that this was in fact a greasy pole and that there was only an internship and a great deal of disingenuous singing of the Red Flag standing between me and a safe seat – perhaps I too could have ended up as a Blair babe I could have been a regular at the Groucho Club, discussing the merits of P.F.I.s and school Academies I could have feigned discomfort for the war in Iraq. And if I had played my cards right, I too could have been selling my services like a London cabbie. But back in the early 1990s I couldn’t see the greasy pole, let alone climb it.  All I could see was a rich, textured landscape of missed opportunities. It seemed to me that on all of the important issues of the day, the Party seemed to side with the staid, conservative instincts of the highly centralised British state.  And the more I learned about the history of the left, the more I understood that such conservatism was written into the DNA of the Party. In New Labour, novelty was neither the problem nor a realistic possibility. Same old
            In the 1990s one issue in particular became metonymic for my disaffection with both New and old forms of Labourism. I had been a strong advocate of Citizens’ Income – a radical proposal to integrate the fiscal and welfare systems (  The idea was (and still is – because this is a live debate) that by abolishing many if not most cash benefits, as well as the complex structure of tax breaks, we could afford to pay all citizens a universal basic income. Because it is unconditional, such a system would abolish the means test and so save the (8-9?) billions of pounds it costs to police the line and decide who qualifies and who does not, whose plight is genuine and whose is not, who is ‘genuinely seeking work’ and who is not, who is ‘respectably poor’ and who is not.  Armed with their (very small) basic incomes citizens would be free to enter the labour market as and when they choose, with the state taking a percentage of every pound earned in tax.
            The merits of such a system are clear to anyone who cares to look.  It would certainly be workable. It would eliminate most poverty traps. It would overcome the major problem associated with the welfare state which is that it creates dependency and punishes those who try to climb out of the welfare net. The obstacles to reform are political not economic.  Basically the Labour Party and the trade union movement have a deep historical commitment to the idea of work and the work ethic. They also share a commitment to top-down bureaucratic processes of monitoring and control.  The ‘rank and file’ are exactly that – occupants of the lowest rung of a working class movement construed as an army.  Solidarity is fine as long as you do what you are told.  The idea of ‘money for nothing’ was and is offensive to a socialist sensibility that has internalised completely and unconsciously Weber’s capitalist/protestant work ethic.
            In the early decades of the last century the radical social-liberal Ebenezer Howard put forward a vision for social reform that offered a very different basis for a welfare state.  The Garden Cities plan has long been misunderstood as simply a planning/architectural vision for urban development based on the reconciliation of urban and rural values and amenities – a vision only very partially realised in the post-war new towns and garden suburbs. But integral to Howard’s vision was a model for a left-libertarian welfare state. In each new urban development, whilst the land would be owned in perpetuity by the community, workers would be given the opportunity and responsibility for building and maintaining their own houses. Over time the ground rents paid into a local fund would provide the basis for a community-level welfare state.  
            Now it is possible to imagine a decentralised welfare state built upon hundreds of self-governing communities. Compare the sense of empowerment and confidence that would accrue to working class self-builders with the disabling dependency and low self-esteem that came to be synonymous with municipal council estates in the UK or project housing in America. The apocryphal story of council workers marching up to re-paint an uppity tenant’s brightly coloured front door in municipal grey provides a vivid sense of what municipal Labourism was about. Given that they were so unhappy with a departure from the corporate colour scheme, emancipation through self-building was never going to raise the roof at Blackpool or Brighton. Imagination and self-actualisation remained the preserve of anarchists like Colin Ward ( and now perhaps the Transition Town movement (
            The downside of a Garden City Welfare State is of course very obvious.  Localised responsibility and funding would entail different outcomes in different places – and such differences are deeply (and reasonably) offensive to the equalitarian left.  The Keynesian Welfare State constructed by Butler, Bevan and Atlee was from the start committed to universal standards and equality of outcomes.  This is why the idea of a ‘post-code lottery’ in relation to NHS provision is so offensive and politically sensitive. But however significant, the achievements of the welfare state since 1945 have come at the cost of entrenched patterns of individual dependency, the hollowing out of place-bound communities and habitual reliance on the central state to make decisions about how individuals, families and social groups should live. The same pattern has seen parents cede control and responsibility to schools. Citizens have given over the right and responsibility of self-regulation and the policing of anti-social behaviour to an increasingly bureaucratic police force and other ineffectual agencies of the state.  
            But whilst the self-organising functions of civil society (church, family, town, individual, club, hobby group) have buckled under the pressure of state regulation and monitoring, the institutions of the state prove themselves progressively more inadequate. And as a result despite the cross-party rhetoric of social innovation, community engagement and participation across all of its functional domains, the public sphere has become inhuman, bureaucratic and devoid of creativity. Innovation is delivered from the top down. Creativity and energy are stymied by a proliferating ‘algal bloom’ of quality assurance, health and safety, paper-trail accountability.  The prime directive in all spheres of public activity is ‘cover your bureaucratic bottom’ and ‘mind your back’. 
            ‘This is a pretty sweeping assertion’ I hear you say.  But the proof is to be heard in any canteen of any public sector organisation. The bottom line is that teachers, policemen and women, lecturers, nurses, doctors, firemen all share the same frustrations, curse the same check-box culture and bemoan the same bureaucratic sclerosis.  And the result seems to be the same in all cases.  The statistics tell a story:  things are getting better, can only get better; ‘we have never had it so good.’ Who said that?
            Consider the education system. Education to the power of three said Tony Blair.  Apparently standards have been rising and grades improving. More and more kids are going through university and a university education is gold-plated, benchmarked and of exactly the same value and standard whether delivered by Oxford University or Luton Poly (as was), last year or twenty years ago. Yes we really are living the dream.
            WAKEY-WAKEY   Back on planet Earth… Here we are, at the dawn of the seventh general election that I can remember.  Another one to remember…another one in which I will play little or no part. In 1979 we had a mock election at school and I was on the winning side.  Down in the punk shop where we were tolerated and hung out, we celebrated by playing Astroids and jumping up and down to the Members’ ‘Sound of the Suburbs’. Meanwhile the real sound of the suburbs was vengeful and mean and the election delivered twenty years of Thatcherism and neo-liberalism. At the time what really impressed was the idea of meaningful choices…forks in the road… momentous decisions.  What stands out about this election is the absence of any choice at all.  It is not just that there is only a cigarette paper between the main parties.  Even on the ideological left and right there appears to be little conviction that things could really be any different let alone ‘can only get better’.  In a very real sense politics seems to be largely dead…deceased…moribund…not breathing.  But unlike the parrot sketch this is not funny. It is just awful.  We have moved from politics to a kind of somnolent process of auto-administration; self-guided boredom; the implementation of directives, procedures and quality-assured, best-practice. All we have to do is not to think.  This is worse then Marcuse’s ‘One Dimensional Man’ because even the intellectuals have run out of things to say.  There doesn’t appear to be much of an external vantage point.  Move over Adorno. We have had the ‘Tragedy of Enlightenment’ and now it is time for a permanent farce… which is why we were all so scandalized and ‘disappointed’ by the very British expenses scandal but ultimately unsurprised. Seeing Patricia Hewitt suspended from the Labour Party was fun, but not as much fun as watching Cheryl Cole’s marriage to Ashley Cole collapse.  Who needs the Fabian Society when we have Heat magazine. And anyway vomiting is never much fun.
            ‘Oh my gosh’ or ‘Gordon Bennett’ as my boys have been trained to explete (Who the hell was G.B. anyway?).  Perhaps Francis Fukyama was right (! Perhaps we do live at the end of history. No left and no right…just the inexorable unfolding of market-liberal development.  I was scornful at the time, but if ideology and ideas mean so little at a time of such cataclysmic crisis/opportunity, then just may be there is something in the ‘end of history’ idea. But I think not.  Where history fails, natural history is always ready to pick up the reins. In this post-historic century, it is environmental problems and the revenge of Gaia that will see the return of politics, ideology and stark choices. 
            Britain faces monumental environmental, geo-political and strategic problems which dwarf anything we experienced in the last century – including that little spat with Hitler. The fact that the country is broke and the cuts in public services will be savage and irreversible, which ever party forms the government – this is a rather minor annoyance compared to what is coming down the line. If James Lovelock and James Hansen are right – and their track record is pretty good – climate change threatens the continuing existence of civilisation (if not the species). Even the International Energy Agency now acknowledges the possibility of a profound energy shock within the next decade. Populous China is running up against resource constraints just as neighbouring resource rich Russia is experiencing a demographic implosion. The sources of concatenating insecurity are legion.  But here we are, poised on the brink of monumental indecision, like so many ostriches.
            Just possibly some real politics might seep through the cracks. But you can’t vote for a hung parliament. And of course for every Green that might get through, there are half a dozen atavistic throwbacks from UKIP and  the BNP to contend with. At the same time, any faith I had in a kind of regulated social-liberal capitalism has disappeared. Whether it is Henry George’s ‘Single Tax’, Citizens’ Income, self-build housing or Ebenezer Howard’s vision of a bottom-up welfare state, the social democratic tradition has always erred on the side of the state and top-down controls. Right now Ed Balls is promising to come back after the election and re-instate those awful, fascistic bits of the Children, Schools and Families Bill that would see over-bearing, patronizing and not very bright social-workers and state officials interfering in the right of parents to educate their own children. Given the failures of state-education, you would think the Labour Party might concentrate on putting their own house in order.  But they just can’t bear the thought of a small section of the community opting out of the system and doing it for them selves.  In Goethe’s Faust even Mephisto is shocked when Faust orders the killing of an old farmer and his wife whose little shack detracts from the totalising vision and order of ‘the plan’. For the left-libertarian in me, Ed Balls has more than a bit of the Faust about him and those homeschoolers will insist on departing from the script.
            And so it seems to me like the end of the road for this kind of social democracy because it now functions by default. It is no longer animated by belief, argument, vision and debate. Were Geoff Hoon or Patricia Hewitt ever ‘impassioned’?  The imperative for carbon neutrality, sustainability and eco-cyclical integrity would seem to create a space for renewed visions of progressive, participative, caring, sharing, self-actualising forms of social and economic life.  But our political class is oblivious.  They don’t acknowledge the problems and refuse to see the possibilities. The choice is between one lumbering, Jurassic quadruped and another. Now we just have to wait for an asteroid strike: ‘Après Blair, le deluge’… but don’t hold your breath. We won’t be calling on the services of Bruce Willis on May 6th or any time soon. Re-adjust your pillows… switch over to the ‘X-Factor’ or ‘Over the Rainbow’… help the nation find a Dorothy or a Toto. Make your vote count ₪ ₪ ₪ ₪₪